Hmmm, I ponder the power of Harley Davidson, in the winter months, when I sit and jones to be riding my own sweet little put, just what is it about that baby girl that gets MY motor runnin’….

A good friend of mine once said, “Harley has a cult following”, he just may well be right.

The brand is one thing, they have a massively smart team of marketing and advertising people who have definitely branded their product well…everything from the cool orange/black combo to the name itself is an icon and recognizable among biker and nonbiker people alike.  I, for one, appreciate the quality of their products, the styling that is for the actual rider and the details in their shit, pretty mind blowing, though I will say they need to step up in the women’s apparel area, I, as an avid rider, do not find their women’s jeans all that rider friendly, yeah they make my ass look hot but when I ride I want comfort and their jeans are not it.  But, who can get everything right??

The bikes, well I could go on and on about the bikes people, they just plain rock the fuck out.  They continue to outdo themselves in technology but still staying true to the Harley roots and the sky is the limit on customizability, the quality of their finished product is again stellar and they continue to crank out new slants on an already cool and top notch product.

It is a lot about pride, I suppose.  I am proud to be a lady rider, I am proud to own a motorcycle and I am proud that it is a Harley Davidson because that represents the best of the best and some of that is also because I relate with Harley.  The company struggled, it had its hard times but it stuck in there and came back from the ashes, it’s been around and will continue to be around.  I dig that sort of drive, determination, vision and success and I think that is also attractive to many of us Harley freaks, there’s a little of what we value in riding a machine with that sort of history.

After the dust clears folks, I’ve ridden on and driven about everything, brand wise, in a motorcycle but when I put my ass on my first Harley, my very own to drive, well there was magic, there was that “where have you been all my life” connection.  It represents freedom, power, peace and makes me whole.  HD POWER, rock on!  Hear me roar MoFo, I am loud and I am proud, hell yes. 

And so, when you are cruising down the highway (in your vehicle, on a bike or whatever ) and you see a Harley, you think about the nature of that beast, like I have described above, and you will have just a tiny inkling of what the Harley frenzy is all about.

Ride on, my biker friends.  Stay safe this year as we are about to embark on the season to ride…keep the shiny side up.



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